Final Project: Research (Day4)

Mohit Choudhary
2 min readDec 7, 2020


The day started with the interview with Fredrico Halsiband, Owner of It is a very interesting business model combining co-working space with coffee. People can make use of a La Marzocco to make their own espresso-based drinks. To be honest, this was the selling point for convincing me to get a 50$ pass for eight 4-hour visits. Also bought a bag of 1 pound of coffee from them for 4k CRC.

It was very interesting to learn from Federico how gracias started buying with 20 suppliers eventually narrowing it down to 1 main supplier and 1 backup. He stressed at the point of making strong relationship with your supplier.


Federico from introduced me to Maria Paz Lobo who is an environmental engineer working in Institute del Cafe. I got a chance to speak to her in the evening. The most interesting learning was that 92% of CR farmers are small (< 3 hectares) and average age is ~60. They both validate the problem statement I wanted to work in: Inspire young people to continue working in their parental work of coffee farming.


Rest of my evening went over catching people for interviews.



Mohit Choudhary

I write here about my experiences in studying Interaction Design from CIID and building my coffee roasting company. Personal Website <>